Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Cannibal

The Cannibal (Chp 1)

Jonathan: A 13 year old bully who likes flushing underwears in toilets after lunch. He is the most dangerous boy to hangout with. He always finish anyone’s lunch who sits beside him.

Jennifer: A 13 year old popular girl. She has the most likes and followers in any social media comparing with other 13 year old girls a.k.a internet queen.

Amy: Dead girl, aged 10 when killed in London.

Aaron: Bullied 13 year old who was forced to do Jonathan’s homework since last 3 months.

Leonard: a 25 year old man drunken and depressed having the bloodlust protecting the kids as a babysitter. He will literally sit on kids under 5 and fart on them. He carries a shotgun anywhere, at anytime 24/7. He shoots in the toilet while crying sometimes. In this story, he was promoted to a bus driver.
Ms. Smith: art teacher

???:the mysterious killer wanted in 10 countries. He never leaves a trace when escaping.( He could possibly be one of the character(s) from above)

One day on a normal school day….

As the bell rung everybody scattered around the hall. the teachers were resting in the teacher lounge. Jennifer was online on 5 different social media apps, Aaron was locked into a locker by Jonathan, Jonathan was in the principal’s office because he got detention ,and Leonard was hired to became the school’s bus driver and he was in the bus drinking beer and reading Taylor Swift magazines. The first lesson which is English started and no one realized that Aaron was not in class until the second lesson started. The students watched a news about a girl named Amy was murdered and some of her body parts were bitten and eaten 2 months ago in London, the witnesses also reported that there was an unknown person few days before the murder just staring into Amy’s room for weeks.

Few hours later….

Aaron was out and was helped or what Aaron thought but after then Leonard carelessly closed it again. Leonard was drunk and he was running around the halls shooting random stuff with his shotgun.
He eventually got tired and slept in a giant box in the storage room.

In Art…

Aaron was still stuck in the locker alone with books falling on his head every a few minute. Suddenly, a tall and dark figure approached towards the locker with a kluk-klak-kluk-klak sound from it’s long heels. Aaron Was very scared that he could have peed on his pants. The locker slowly open and a loud boo appeared. Aaron was so scared that he bumped his head and screamed out loud for help. Turns out it was just ms. Smith, the new art teacher, so Ms. Smith calm him down. After Aaron calm down, Aaron entered the class with shame then everyone realized that he was stuck in the locker in English.  

In geography…

From all the lessons geography is the most boring one. Well, today we have a new teacher. He was wearing a huge brown jacket and a big hat covering his face. He slowly open the door and step in the class. Everyone was silent. He slowly sit down and stared at the students. He slowly put out a knife and a teddy bear. In a blink in an eye, he slashed the head of it and left the class.

After school…

Jennifer was walking to the teacher’s office to submit her Math homework. The door was open so she peeked inside. Then she saw the real geography teacher lying on the ground with blood every where. She was terrified and she ran while screaming. Suddenly someone grabbed her and she disappeared. Leonard broke out of the storage room door with his shotgun. He was walking to the school bus parking lot and bumping walls and lockers because he was very dizzy and drunk. In the middle of the way, he saw a note lying on the floor in front of the science lab. He tried to check but the door was locked, so he threw away the paper and continued walking to the school bus parking lot.

The next day…

The bell rang and everyone came except for Jennifer. It has already been 3 lessons and she was still not there. All the girls check her social media apps and she haven’t sent anything, so Jonathan decided to check the last place she went, the teacher’s room . He opened the door and everything was clean, even her math homework was on the table. Aaron called her parents and they said that she didn’t come home since yesterday. The others asked the security guard and he said he didn’t see her go out of the school. Then everyone searched the school surrounding for Jennifer,but they still didn’t found her…. So they had to call the police.

The next day…

The police came and searched the school area and the school was dismissed that very day, few hours after the search they found two bodies, an adult and a teenage girl both had the same bite marks,it was in the box, a large box, so they brought it to the police station. After analyzing the dna and fingerprints they found a match to leonard’s finger. The police called him to go to the police station.


It was the weekend so they have more time to make sure that leonard was the murderer. They found footprints and a footage that proves leonard was the culprit. He was supposed to be arrested since last time because he was drunk many times. Finally, the students can take a break. Well… they thought they were done.


The students can have a normal no murderer school day. The school was scared to hire another bus driver, so each of the students had to go to school with their own transportation. And as always, Aaron was stuck in a locker.

After school…

As Aaron walked the hallway,  he always heard footsteps behind him going thump-thump-thump-thump. But, as always no one behind him. He thought he was hallucinating but he heard a female voice crying for help. He noticed something really strange the voice sounded like Jennifer’s voice. But, when he faced back he saw Jennifer facing down crying or sobbing but he can't make out what she was saying. When she faced up, there was a scar on her neck, and bite marks all over her, some chunks of her meat is also still hanging there. Aaron shaking said “j-j-jennifer? I-i-i thought y-y-you were de-de-dead.” She told how she got captured….all he could made out was that her mouth got covered with tape then her neck got slit by a knife, her neck got bitten and put inside the big box, the reason the killer wasn’t caught was because he wore gloves to cover their track. Aaron quickly ran to call the hospital, but when he looked back, Jennifer was gone.

That very day, at night…

When Jonathan was walking on the street, on the way back home he saw a puppy, he was ran over by a car, so Jonathan rushed him to the nearest vet.
Fortunately the puppy survived, since Jonathan doesn't know who has this puppy, and to Jonathan seems to it that it has no collar, so he decided to name it max. Luckily the dog survived. Jonathan was walking home,but in the middle of the journey, he was suddenly kidnapped with a giant sack.


Jonathan went out of the sack and he was in school. He rushed towards the door, but he saw a shadow passed by and it punched him. Jonathan was very angry and he wanted to fight back. 3 years of karate didn’t pay off, the shadow managed to block his attack. Suddenly Jonathan got stabbed in the heart and he screamed in pain. The security guard heard it and he was coming to check out. The murderer was panicking and he was finding a place to hide the body.
Jonathan wrote a note while he still can and threw it somewhere so the murderer can’t find it. When the murderer walked walked out of the school, he saw no one, so he hid the body and continued eating his favorite flavoured doughnut while escaping.

The nextday…

It is tuesday today, and more people started dissapearing, right now we’ve already lost two students, jonathan and jennifer, so again they needed to explore the school for any evidence or anything that leaves a trace. There was nothing except for a note.


                    To any-ne -ho is re-d--g this,
                     I kn-w wh- t-e m--d-r-r is.
                     -e is --e j-ni--r.

It took a few hours to figure out and it all adds up. The janitor is always in school at night to clean up and he or her memorizes to school’s floor plan. The janitor also has the tool to clean up after his mess and who would suspect him.

1 week later…

The school hired more security guards to look for the murderer just incase he enters the school. The school installed more CCTVs to check inside the school. The school also had around 2 murderer drills and fire drills in each lesson.

After school…

The taxi that was supposed to pick up Aaron was late. He was the only student in the school. Aaron was so bored so he walked to the hall. He saw thousands of gas tanks. Out of the shadows, the murderer revealed himself and explained his plan. His plan was to blow up the whole school to destroy the dead bodies that he hid. Aaron was scared and he ran as fast as he could to escape from the explosion. The murderer grabbed his dagger out of his pocket and threw it to Aaron. Out of nowhere, Leonard caught the dagger and help Aaron escape by fighting the murderer. Leonard wanted to end the disaster, but he is still drunk. At least he is a little more serious. He wanted to shoot the murderer, but he shot the gas tank instead.

Few months later…

The police investigated the crime scene and found a dead body. They took the body for a DNA scan and his DNA matched Leonard’s. So that means the murderer is still alive and he is on the loose.

                        THE END
                          OR IS IT?   

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